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Spesial Industri

Brand: Getra Model: WB-15SC
Cylinder Water Boiler GETRA Pemanas Air WB-15SCFitur Mesin :S/s 201 Body, s/s 304 tankThermostatIndicator Light of heatWater level GlassDouble JacketPower SwitchSpesifikasi :Dimensi 26,5x46.5 cm1800 wattVoltase 220v/1P/50HzBerat 4.42 / 5.4 KgVolume 15 Liter..
Rp 1,085,000 Ex Tax:Rp 1,085,000
Brand: Getra Model: WB-20SC
Cylinder Water Boiler GETRA Pemanas Air WB-20SCFitur Mesin :S/s 201 Body, s/s 304 tankThermostatIndicator Light of heatWater level GlassDouble JacketPower SwitchSpesifikasi :Dimensi 31.5x46.5 cm2800 wattVoltase 220v/1P/50HzBerat 4.9 / 6.4 KgVolume 19 Liter..
Rp 1,420,000 Ex Tax:Rp 1,420,000
Brand: Getra Model: SY-2200
Mesin PenepungType: SY-2200Spesifikasi :Bahan besi anti karatTingkat kehalusan: 20~100 meshKapasitas: 30~50 Kg/jamKecepatan: 1420 rpmTegangan : 220V /1PDaya Watt (W) : 2.200Berat (Kg) : 40Asli ChinaDimensi : 55 x 26 x 43 mm..
Rp 8,325,000 Ex Tax:Rp 8,325,000
Brand: Getra Model: RTR-120L
Electric Food Warmer RTR-120L Front & Rear Sliding Door      Fitur: Adjustable temperature control Tempered Glass High output bringht LED lighting Temperature Display Adjustable shelves High humidity Stainless steel kabinet Spesifikasi Dari..
Rp 5,745,000 Ex Tax:Rp 5,745,000
Brand: Getra Model: RTR-136L
Electric Food Warmer RTR-136L Fitur: Adjustable temperature control Tempered Glass High output bringht LED lighting Temperature Display Adjustable shelves High humidity Temperature displayFront & Rear Sliding DoorWater PanThermostatThermometerLED Light..
Rp 6,660,000 Ex Tax:Rp 6,660,000
Brand: Getra Model: RTR-160L
Electric Food Warmer RTR-160L Front & Rear Sliding Door      Fitur: Adjustable temperature control Tempered Glass High output bringht LED lighting Temperature Display Adjustable shelves High humidity Stainless steel kabinet Spesifikasi Dari..
Rp 6,580,000 Ex Tax:Rp 6,580,000
Brand: Getra Model: RTR-4
Electric Food Warmer RTR-4 Fitur: Pintu kaca geser Pengatur suhu analog Termasuk nampan GN 1/3 Kapasitas nampan: 4 buah Suhu 30 ~ 90 °C Kapasitas 46 Liter Tegangan 220V / 1P Daya 500 Watt Berat 16 Kg Dimensi: Panjang 780mm x Lebar 420mm x..
Rp 3,665,000 Ex Tax:Rp 3,665,000
Brand: Getra Model: RTR-96L
Electric Food Warmer RTR-96LFitur:Adjustable temperature controlTempered GlassHigh output bringht LED lighting Temperature DisplayAdjustable shelvesHigh humidityTemperature display​Spesifikasi :Temp (°C) 30~70Volume (Liter) 96Voltage 220V / 1PWatt (W) 1,000Weight (Kg) 33,5Origin ChinaDimensi (WxDxH)..
Rp 6,245,000 Ex Tax:Rp 6,245,000
Brand: Getra Model: OL-EGR-60F
Counter Top Electric GriddleType: OL-EGR-60FSpesifikasi :Thickness of the grill is 10 mmFull flat GriddleDran holeThermostat knobIndicator LightOil TrayDimensi 61x62x31.5 CmGriil are 55x41.5 cmPower 2x2800 wberat 32 kg..
Rp 2,750,000 Ex Tax:Rp 2,750,000
Brand: Getra Model: OL-EGR-60H
Counter Top Electric GriddleType: OL-EGR-60HSpesifikasi :Thickness of the grill is 10 mmHalf Flat Half GrillDran holeThermostat knobIndicator LightOil TrayDimensi 61x62x31.5 CmGriil are 55x41.5 cmPower 2x2800 wberat 31.5 kg..
Rp 2,915,000 Ex Tax:Rp 2,915,000
Brand: Getra Model: JL-90
Electric Water Boiler GETRA Pemanas Air JL-90Pemenuhan kebutuhan akan air panas secara praktis bisa dipenuhi oleh mesin water boiler ini, Anda tak usah merebut air secara manual apalagi menyalakan dispenser yang relatif lama, Body dan tangki terbuat dari bahan stainless steel, Automatic water valve,..
Rp 2,290,000 Ex Tax:Rp 2,290,000
Brand: Getra Model: ST-02
Food Dehydrator GETRA Mesin untuk Mengeringkan Makanan 100 Liter ST-02Fitur :Kasing dari stainless steel anti karatKipas internal agar suhu panas merataPengatur suhuPengatur waktuTidak bisingKapasitas 16 rakSpesifikasi :Suhu (°C) : 40 ~ 90Kapasitas (Liter) : 100Tegangan : 220V / 1PDaya Watt (W) : 15..
Rp 3,750,000 Ex Tax:Rp 3,750,000
Showing 73 to 84 of 293 (25 Pages)